asma adila
about me

Nama diberi Asma Adila bt Zulkefli.

Berasal dari Tanah Merah,Kelantan.

Lahir pada 19 April 1989 di HDTM.

Mempunyai 7 orang adik beradik dan merupakan anak ke 2

Mengambil major Pendidikan Sains Kimia dan minor Pendidikan Sains Biologi
di UPSI.

Nombor matrik D20081032380
asma adila
thank you.......

Berbilion ucapan terima kasih diucapkan kepada madam Asmayati bt Yahaya kerana telah

mengajarkan saya subjek ICT in Chemistry pada sem 1 09/10 ini. Jasa madam amatlah

disanjung tinggi dan dihargai kerana ia memberikan input yang amat berguna kepada saya.

Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga juga kepada En.Junaidi kerana telah memberi saya

tunjuk ajar dalam menyiapkan blog educational ini.

Selain itu,saya dapat mempelajari banyak strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang amat menarik

dengan aplikasi teknologi terkini. Subjek ini amat berguna kepada saya terutamanya

apabila mengajar di sekolah nanti.

InsyaAllah apa yang dipelajari akan saya praktikkan dalam pengajaran nanti..

Terima kasih juga kepada kawan-kawan yang banyak membantu saya dalam subjek

ini..Thanks and all the best to all of you..
asma adila
Picasa 3

Ini adalah assignment kumpulan saya aplikasi daripada perisian Picasa 3

Perisian PICASA 3

asma adila
butterfly lesson

kisah sang rama-rama ini telah lama mendapat maklumbalas daripada semua pihak di dalam ruangan forum. Kisah ini sebenarnya amat berkaitan dengan kehidupan kita. Realitinya,pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan perlu ditempuhi oleh setiap insan.Langit tak selalu cerah, begitu juga dengan hidup kita yangtidak semestinya selalu indah. Dugaan dan cabaran yang datang merupakan pahit manis dalam kehidupan kita. Oleh itu, kita mestilah mengahadapi dengan penuh tabah. Mungkin cabaran yang datang itu akan memberikan sesuatu yang baik kepada kita pada suatu hari akan datang..InsyaAllah..

poem about life( me,myself and i)

coming out of the shadows
of the past and reaching
to the light that is now
shining in its glory
i realized i am standing all alone,
with the whole world at my disposal;

i searched, i needed somebody
to continue the exploration,
or so i thought; how
naive and so dumb one can become;

wasting precious time
doing nothing other
than wandering through life
i became more confused than before;

unable to run anymore,
i sat down to take stock
and i realized i got
me, myself and i;

learned a lot along the way,
and now my very own best friend
exploring uncharted territories
me myself and i
that’s all i got in the end
that’s what i found out
me, myself and i;

asma adila


Realitinya, wabak yang melanda UPSI iaitu H1N1 amat mengejutkan banyak pihak kerana ia amat berbahaya dan mengakibatkan banyak kematian. Bagi saya,penularan virus ini boleh berlaku kepada sesiapa sahaja kerana ia boleh dijangkiti melalui udara. Kita sebagai pelajar di universiti mesti berasa sangat terancam kerana terdedah dengan pelajar yang berbagai bangsa dan agama mungkin menghidapi H1N1 tetapi mereka tidak menyedari akan hal itu.Oleh itu,saya berharap kepada semua pihak yang mempuyai tanda-tanda awal penyakit tersebut mendapatkan rawatan dengan segera. Hal ini kerana, kita tidak mahu penyakit tersebut merebak kerana hakikatnya ia boleh meragut nyawa kita mahupun orang lain di sekeliling kita.

Doa jap:
Ya Allah ya Tuhankanku,ampunilah dosa kami,jauhi kami dari penyakit berbahaya ini Ya Allah..Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui, Maha Mengasihani.Hindarilah semua umat islam daripada penyakit ini..amin..
asma adila

Simulation is the imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviours of a selected physical or abstract system.

Simulation is used in many contexts, including the modeling of natural systems or human systems in order to gain insight into their functioning.[1] Other contexts include simulation of technology for performance optimization, safety engineering, testing, training and education. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action.
asma adila

A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper worksheet. It displays multiple cells that together make up a grid consisting of rows and columns, each cell containing either alphanumeric text or numeric values. A spreadsheet cell may alternatively contain a formula that defines how the contents of that cell is to be calculated from the contents of any other cell (or combination of cells) each time any cell is updated. Spreadsheets are frequently used for financial information because of their ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single cell is made.

asma adila

Combine the simplicity of a whiteboard and the power of a computer with a SMART Board interactive whiteboard. SMART Board interactive whiteboards bring interactivity to any environment – and most of all, they make it easy.

asma adila

* camstudio is a Free Streaming Video Software
* we can use it to create demonstration videos for any software program
* we can create video tutorials for school or college class

asma adila
picasa 3

Together, Picasa & Picasa Web Albums make it easy for you to organize and edit your digital photos, then create online albums to share with friends, family & the world.

Beautiful web albums
Show your photos at their best. View full-screen slideshows, see your pictures arranged on a global map, enjoy video playback, and more.

Be creative
Use Picasa to design and print beautiful photo collages, create fun video slideshows, add photo text or view your favorite photos on your desktop or screensaver.

Sharing made simple

Publish your favorite photos online with one click. Create stunning online photo albums to share with friends and family, or public albums for the world to see. Get notified when your "Favorites" post new photos.

It's free to use
Picasa is free to download, and Picasa Web Albums provides 1 gigabyte of free storage -- that's enough space for 4,000 wallpaper-size photos.

the example of pictures that i have edited using picasa 3

using collage

asma adila

What is Cooliris?

It's simply the fastest and most stunning way to browse photos and videos from the Web or your desktop. Effortlessly scroll an infinite "3D Wall" of your content without having to click page to page, whether you'e on Facebook, Google Images, YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Kodak Gallery, or any supported site. Or channel surf the latest news, TV episodes, movies, and music videos all from within Cooliris.

To me, cooliris is important to the teaching and learning today because it is more attractive and enjoyable.
asma adila
Ass. Simulation Edit
asma adila
asma adila

gambar ini adalah aplikasi daripada pembelajaran picasa 3 pada minggu lepas
asma adila
As an educator and a trainer in the future, I constantly strive to make learning fun, interactive, encouraging, rewarding, and above all, purposeful. There is a need to constantly innovate and experiment, or else these ideas would reduce to mere rhetoric.
The biggest obstacle to improving teaching, yet one of the more prevalent notion among educators is to think that the onus to make learning effective lies completely on none other than the students. Some common cliché like, “students must not be spoon-fed”, “they have to learn to be independent and proactive”, “we were trained by chalk and talk professors”, “if they fail, so what?” sum up this notion of students are to blame for failing. There is a need for a paradigm shift amongst educators; from the paradigm of blaming the students for their failures to that of accepting responsibilities to make teaching more effective. Thankfully, in the developed countries, the trend is more balanced towards improving the educators teaching approaches apart from the students learning skills. Working with this frame of mind, I constantly find ways to reflect, re-assess, evaluate, find and test new measures to improve teaching. To gain respect as an educator, one has to be genuinely convinced that everyone has special talents and that no one knows everything. Respect for the students and trainees should be manifested in our interactions with them. With fresh students, I would constantly encourage, admire and praise volunteers who responded to questions in class. I would give leads to these questions, and above all, would avoid cornering them. To me, patronizing is a sin. In answering questions from students and trainees, I will never ashamed of saying a straight “I do not know”, or, “I am no expert in the area”.
I strongly believe that learning should create selfless people who have the interest of mankind at heart as opposed to those who learn for primarily for his own worldly and material gains. My ultimate goal is to create a selfless and caring intellectual with the insatiable desire to quest and disseminate knowledge and to equip them the capacity for life-long learning, as oppose to those who learn just to survive.
asma adila
In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a Science and Technology Culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency.
asma adila
Education in Malaysia is an ongoing process towards further effort in developing the potential of individuals in a
holistic and integrated manner; so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically
balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce
Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible
and capable of achieving a high level of personal wellbeing as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the
society and the nation at large
asma adila
Esei Complete-smart School
asma adila

gambar ini diambil semasa kami membuat eksperimen biologi
asma adila
asma adila

gambar ini diambil semasa saya dan kawan-kawan membuat program khidmat masyarakat di pulau tioman.kanak-kanak tadika ini amat mesra walaupun kali pertama bersama kami..